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Monday, November 30, 2009

Beautiful Hair and Strong Nails

Beautiful Hair and Strong Nails

Dullness, Dry or Course Texture, Split Ends, Hair Loss

1. Exercise (to increase the flow of oxygen to the scalp)
2. Yoga (relive stress, nervous tension)
3. Wash your hair carefully (use gentle natural hair shampoo, conditioner and plant remedies.)
Burdock root is excellent for hair that is falling out: put a handful of washed fresh roots in 2pt. (1liter) of water, simmer for 20 minutes and use the liquid (after straining and cooling) to massage directly on to the scalp.

What to Eat:
Salmon, herrings, tuna, sardines, cold-pressed plant oils, wholegrain products, nuts, seeds, olives, avocados.

Zinc, B-complex vitamins, Beta-carotene, vitamins C and E, Selenium, fish liver oil capsules, evening primrose oil and Silica.

Strong Nails

1.Massage the arms, hands, and fingertips to improve and maintain blood flow.
2.Eat healthily:
Follow whole food diet with plenty of vegetables and fruit rich in antioxidants. Drink plenty of water.
3.Take supplements: vitamins C and E, zinc, beta-carotene, B- complex vitamins, selenium, fish liver oil capsules, evening primrose oil and silica.
4.Soak the nails in a tea made using the fresh or dried Calendula or rub a little herb cream around and on to the nails twice a day.


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